Our RAC (Recent Average Credit) is currently 17,000 and dropping rapidly - probably to around 5,000 - so getting a realistic target is a wee bit of a problem!
Ah what the heck...
The first target for the first Crunch of 2011 is...
To get to 6.75 million credits in 675,000 seconds!
Put another way we'll need 355,000(ish) credits in 187.5 hours or 7.5 days! That means our RAC will have to increase to 47,395!
The Crunch will officially start at 19:00 6th March 2011 and end 7:00 14th March GMT/UTC
Pre-start stats.
Code: Select all
UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096
World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335
Target is 675,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)
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