How did you discover BOINC?

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How did you discover BOINC?

Post by DJH@GB-Ro »

I discovered it from my dad :lol: who watched the BBC Meltdown thingy and downloaded it on his computer. I've only been boincing for a week!

How did you discover it?
UBT - Chris Suddick
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Post by UBT - Chris Suddick »

I first discovered distributed computing back in about '98 with GIMPS, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search and then heard about SETI when that started up. Did that for a while but when I changed jobs and computer it got forgotten about until Einstein started last year.

Mark L.
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Post by Mark L. »

I did seti for a short while when it came out, but lost interest quite quickly... still got occasional seti emails though, (about 1 a year)

I tried folding at home for a short while too, but my computer wasn't well at the time so I ditched it.

The most recent seti email I got mentioned that seti was moving to boinc.

Went to see what boinc was, downloaded it, and now I am completely addicted and considering seeking help, as I have been trapped in a strange group with an all seeing Master and no means of escape because his minion from Halifax follows me round the web reporting back.

I'm sure I'll be alright after I start crunching for my 21st project...

Mark L.
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

I first started distributed computing back in 420,122, just as the first colonial wars were ending and the Daleks were but a figment in Davros' mind.

But then I got involved with some mindless Timelord who spoilt all my plans for conquering the Universe.

So, I had to rest for a while....

Then I got a "mind-mail" (my homeworld technology is much better than yours - why "type" things on a keyboard, when you can "think" your message to the recipient - much quicker, but have to be careful, in case the wife catches me looking at J Lo's bum......! oops sorry got carried away then...and two mind-mails bounced back!!) ..... anyway, so one of my minions in sunny California told me about this planet and that someone was creating a supercomputer involving millions of humans. That must have been around 1999 while I was in a place called Florida having a short break while visiting your Kennedy Space Centre to see if you'd figured out how to escape this planet without using rockets - ha, no chance - seems your kind just love lighting the touch-paper and seeing what happens ! Just wait 'til you figure out how to REALLY move quickly, using a tin of carrot juice and two darning needles....

Well, that got me thinking and using my powerful neuro-net, I wondered how easy it would be to set up a group and infiltrate all of the humans via their own PC's......

Who needs to do anything except to slowly "coerce" people and slowly brainwash them into doing something positive.

And at last, my plan to coming to fruition.....

And then in 2004, my whole world was turned upside down when yet another computing grid was created called BOINC - I thought at first it had something to do with Zebedee (another of my minions who was broadcasting into your Earths young minds back during the late 1900's - do you recall he had some a handsome moustache - I regard imitation very highly....)

So, I had to start all over again...but this time it was easy - just mentioning BOINC became second nature to me and look at things this current rate of take up, everyone on this planet will belong to my team in about 5 millions of your Earth years sometime around August of that year I think - that's assuming you survive "Climate Change" and the "hul-Minor 3572" asteroid that circles your solar system every 432,546.982 years.

In a nutshell, that's my how I got interested in BOINC...


The Master
UBT - Halifax-lad
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Post by UBT - Halifax-lad »

I started with SETI when it came out (classic SETI) I then moved on to testing BOINC so thats how I came to it
UBT - BHCJackie
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Post by UBT - BHCJackie »

I wanted to do Seti way back when but my beloved Gerty (Win95) couldn't cope.
I read about the BBC Client Change Experiment in a BBC News email so, having bought GertII in October, I signed up and told a few friends about it.
A few weeks later my good friend Si (who crunched Seti Classic) told me about this team and here I am - {insert deity} help us all!!!!! :twisted:

Post by bosh »

UBT - Timbo wrote:420,122
The Gregorian Calender is were its act.
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

bosh wrote:
UBT - Timbo wrote:420,122
The Gregorian Calender is were its act.
Actually, it's the Silurian calendar to which I was refering....

That's the trouble with you humans - only thinking in earthly terms....!

There's a big universe out there y'know !

Now where was I - ah yes..........!



Post by bosh »

yes i know.....well i knew it was a none standard calender anyway...i was just singing the prasies of the standard Gregorian Calender, it is the future.... as is not pretending to be an Alien
UBT - GysmoSan
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Post by UBT - GysmoSan »

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