Govt ban on petrol and diesel sometime?

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UBT - Timbo
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Govt ban on petrol and diesel sometime?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

I'm sure a few would have seen the news today that the Govt want to ban sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2040.

If not then look here:

And do you know what? Now might be a good idea to invest in an electricity company. ;-)

Because over the next few years, once production and thence sales of electric vehicles build up, and the infrastructure gets built to recharge the vehicles, I can foresee that leccy prices are going to have to go up. (as someone has to pay for all the new cabling that will be needed...).

Which is probably also going to mean that crunching data on BOINC (or it's replacement) won't be as cheap as it is now (not that it's that cheap now, but you get my point?).

Plus, the Govt are going to lose out on approx £27.9bn in tax revenue (based on 2016/17 data) which is approx 4% of the entire tax income of the country :-(.

And the petrol/diesel companies won't be too happy either ;-)

Now, to be honest, by 2040, I'll be an OAP and BOINC would probably be dead and buried by then...even so, it is going to be a changing and challenging world that we must live in over the next 23 years !!

I can also see shades of "Mad Max" as people fight to get hold of the last dregs of petrol and diesel to fill up their Chelsea Tractors !! So, make sure your firearms licence is up to date !!

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Re: Govt ban on petrol and diesel sometime?

Post by Woodles »

Hi Tim,

So basically what you're saying is that the government is trying to make people stop looking for aliens?! What are they trying to hide I wonder (goes off to start another conspiracy rumour)

The only way that all these electric cars are going to keep being supplied is if more power stations are built. Of course, they'll need to be powered by some easily combustible fuel .... maybe some oil based derivative? :D

I'm alright, I can run my car off cooking oil so unless they start banning chips as well I'm sorted :lol:

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Govt ban on petrol and diesel sometime?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Woodles wrote:Hi Tim,

So basically what you're saying is that the government is trying to make people stop looking for aliens?! What are they trying to hide I wonder (goes off to start another conspiracy rumour)
Hi Mark

Not just aliens - but the cure for Cancer/Malaria/HIV etc, the messages created for the Enigma machine, all sorts of Prime Numbers, research programs on the LHC, etc etc. Plus we won't even be able to earn Gridcoins, so everyone will be pushed back into the dark ages - esp if the energy workers go on start buying up candles and boxes of matches....(if you recall the 3 day week and the times when we had electricity power cuts...).
Woodles wrote:The only way that all these electric cars are going to keep being supplied is if more power stations are built. Of course, they'll need to be powered by some easily combustible fuel .... maybe some oil based derivative? :D
Indeed - though solar and wind are starting to make a much larger contribution to our energy needs....but 20 million vehicles all needing to be recharged overnight is going to put a lot of strain on the leccy supply...esp if it's a still night (ie no wind or sun !!).

One would presume that gas and oil powered power stations would still be long as they didn't produce huge amounts of CO or NO2....maybe if they had some filters fitted to scrub their exhaust?

Otherwise, it's back to basics on push bikes and horse and cart !!

And if we have internet connected smart meters, one can even think that we might have electricity "rationing", where you are allowed (say) 5kWh of power per day and you can choose where you use cooking dinner, doing some ironing, or charging the car to get you to work... :-(
Woodles wrote:I'm alright, I can run my car off cooking oil so unless they start banning chips as well I'm sorted :lol:

My previous car ran on LPG, which is/was cheaper than petrol/diesel, plus the engine ran more smoothly, without any loss in performance...and even after 10,000 miles, the engine oil was still golden in there were no impurities getting into the engine from the petrol/diesel.

I guess you might need to strike a deal with your local fish & chip shop and get some of their waste veg oil...! Or you could by a field and plant rape in it - as rape seed oil can also be used (maybe with modifications to the car?).

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