UBT aspirations for 2017

A section to chat about whatever takes your fancy about the team in general. For queries about the UBT Forum, please post a message here. Likewise, any suggestions for making the forum better...
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UBT - Timbo
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UBT aspirations for 2017

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

It occurred to me that it'll shortly be December and then it'll be the New Year...

So, I thought I'd think of some things that we can "aim" for in 2017.

1) I'd really love the Team to hit the 1,000,000,000 credit mark on SETI@home - we're at 937,233,299 credits right now, and (again so far) we've earned over 117,000,000 credits on this project this year alone.

So, it would be nice if we can get to 1 billion SETI@home credits sometime in the spring/summer of 2017?

2) I'd also like the Team to hit the 1,000,000,000,000 credit mark across ALL projects. We're at 865,874,836,701 at present, so we need to generate 135,000,000,000 credits...and the only way to get there (I think) is to generate some more credits on Bitcoin Utopia (as that project gives lots of credits). BUT to do this, members really need to invest in some cheap ASIC's (like RBoxes, via eBay) and invest in the electrical power that is required to run them :-( ASICs can be bought for a few tens of pounds but the power for them might cost more (over say a few months or more).

We're currently earning less than 1 billion credits a month - so we'd have to "go some" to get 135 billion at current rates!! But with a bit of a push on BU, we could easily get a couple of billion a day :-)

3) A few of the Team have got behind it and really "pushed" so that we can achieve some good credits across a variety of projects, in order that we do well in the Formula-BOINC league table.

http://formula-boinc.org/index.py?lang= ... &year=2016

This years League ends in about 24 hours time and it's likely that we'll move up into League One for next years league !!

So, it would be nice if we can get more members to participate actively so that when required we can switch projects "en masse" and help to either defend our position, or perhaps to launch an attack and gain some points ;-)

4) I'd love to increase the active membership on the forum. So, perhaps we need to do some "marketing" and get some more people interested in taking part?

5) With more active members and perhaps more focus on specific projects, it would be great if we can try and extend our lead as both the UK #1 Team as well as maybe improve our World ranking - we're currently within the Top 10 (inc BU credits)....but it would be great if we could be within the Top 20 excl BU credits.

I'll think of more, in due course, unless YOU have any ideas we can aim for next year?

UBT - Mikee
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Re: UBT aspirations for 2017

Post by UBT - Mikee »


Re items 4 and 5

I was on another computer the other day and forgot my password for the forum. I'm not bothered about that but the fact I couldn't even access the public part of the forum was a frustration which I'm sure is going to put a lot of people off who would just want to have a nosey round to see what we're doing and would be put off having to register just to see. I know why it's locked but I think we need to have to site more open to attract more site traffic.

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UBT - Timbo
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Re: UBT aspirations for 2017

Post by UBT - Timbo »

UBT - Mikee wrote:Hi

Re items 4 and 5

I was on another computer the other day and forgot my password for the forum. I'm not bothered about that but the fact I couldn't even access the public part of the forum was a frustration which I'm sure is going to put a lot of people off who would just want to have a nosey round to see what we're doing and would be put off having to register just to see. I know why it's locked but I think we need to have to site more open to attract more site traffic.

Hi Mike

I'm sorry that you were inconvenienced by making you log in to view the content.

However, the locked forum is purely a trial to see if it generates any more interest...and thus far, 2 weeks in, it has...as we have had a number of new and old members log in, since 13th November.

Secondly, the old forum and until recently this forum had a number of sections on public display, while some team sections were only open to BOINC members. This seemed to be a good compromise, but the truth is that over the recent couple of years, members joining the forum have been at a fairly constant (and low) level...and making members register (or log in) doesn't seem to have made things worse - in fact, it seems that forum activity has slightly increased within the last 2 weeks.

Let's see how we go for the next fortnight and re-assess then and we can compare notes as to whether putting it back as it was, or leaving as is, is the better option.

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