2014...that was the year that was...and all that

A section to chat about whatever takes your fancy about the team in general. For queries about the UBT Forum, please post a message here. Likewise, any suggestions for making the forum better...
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UBT - Timbo
UBT Forum Admin
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2014...that was the year that was...and all that

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

This is going to be as short as I can make it, whilst covering a few little topics, regarding 2014 and UBT.....though I might not include everything in the 1st post....as I might recall other things over the next week or so ;)

(Yup, like everyone else, I'm getting on a bit now and the ol' brain cells aren't working so well as they used to !! ;) )

10th Anniversary
One of our milestones this year was reaching our 10th Anniversary as a BOINC team. I'm quite proud of the fact that we were one of the first teams on BOINC...and that we've been able to stay intact and viable throughout the years. It's very gratifying to know that we have a loyal and steadfast following :)

UK #1 spot
The biggest thing to note is that we successfully defended our UK #1 position, after TSBT came out of nowhere and started piling on the credits - thanks to Mikee, it became apparent that Bitcoin Utopia offered huge credits as long as one had suitable external hardware to hand.

Luckily, a few team members have made a modest investment in suitable ASIC hardware, and we were able to take back our #1 spot after a couple of months of effort. So, many grateful thanks to those members who have helped to keep us the nation's favourite BOINC Team :)

Improved Team ranking
Coupled with the hefty increase in daily RAC has also meant that we have quickly risen up the team charts and we're now in 7th place in the World.

We would expect to be able to hold this position for some time to come, perhaps even improving on it, if new members join in with the fun.

BOINC projects
A number of new projects have come along, such as BU and others, whilst some others such as SIMAP are closing down.

The whole idea of BOINC is of course to make the crunching hardware of the entire BOINC community available to any and every scientific, medical or other discipline so as to give them speedy and accurate results from their data...with the capability to reduce the time needed to get the results they want.

Looking forwards to 2015, I sincerely hope that more BOINC projects come online and that those that are operating now, can continue in the long term.

As one would expect, with over 5,000 members, we've seen new members join the team, (To whom I offer a warm welcome :) ) while others have either reduced their contribution, or stopped completely. BOINC can be both a rewarding passion as well as a drain on resources, so it is inevitable that the real world can sometimes intervene.

What this does mean is that as a group of BOINCers, we should try and make this group as friendly and passionate about our "cause" as possible, in the hope that it will inspire people to join in and/or keep on crunching.

A Big Thank You
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all past and current team members for their contribution to the team. Dedicating some of your PC (or other devices) processing power to BOINC does require a special type of person; someone who wants to help others, without expecting any reward or accolade...such unselfish and compassionate people are hard to find in the world these days and I'm so pleased that so many of them have joined UBT. THANK YOU :)

regards and hope you all have a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
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