Priority Projects !

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UBT - Timbo
UBT Forum Admin
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Priority Projects !

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

Just a quick summary of which projects need the most "help" right now:

1) Seasonal Attribution Project (SAP)
We need help on this project, as we'd dearly like to be #1 Team (in the World) before the project closes (maybe sometime in November). We've got a lot to do to overhaul the current #1 Team - we need to catch up by around 230,000 credits !

2) Rosetta @home
We need help on this project, as we'd dearly like to be #1 UK Team - we're only 50,000 credits behind at present and closing at the rate of approx 5,000 credits per day. So by mid-August, we should be #1 UK Team on Rosetta

3) SETI @home
We need help on this project, as we'd dearly like to be #1 UK Team - we're about 700,000 credits behind at present and closing at the rate of approx 15,000 credits per day. So by mid-September, we should be #1 UK Team on SETI

4) WORLD ranking
We're still closing in on "Hungary" in the World rankings - we're still approx 570,000 behind and closing at around 14,000 credit per day - so again sometime mid-September should see us move up one place.

Of course all the other projects are also worthy of your efforts as well, but the first three above should be our main objective in the short term.

So, please join in and crunch for the Team - it's great to have so many active particpants involved, but it'd be better if we had even more...!



(edited to correct desired SAP ranking position - thanx Nic!)
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