Number of Users in a Week?

A section to chat about whatever takes your fancy about the team in general. For queries about the UBT Forum, please post a message here. Likewise, any suggestions for making the forum better...
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Number of Users in a Week?

Post by Timby »

Seems like a logical question on this wild and windy Sunday night as I look out across hundreds of acres of Flooded fields, yes I know its dark now but I have only just had the idea. Oh, and I get bored with the same 3 posts being marked as unread every time I log in!!

So come on, post a reply so I/we can see who is about to get a bit of interest going on the forum?

For all the peeps who have joined since Aug 2010, my name is Mark, I am live in the South West just on the edge of the Somerset Levels, currently running 2 pc's, and re learning how to Boinc  :lol:  Had a bit of a break from this but now back and enjoying checking the stats etc......
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Post by hgblade »

Have to agree, Mark, that it's become a pretty quiet place in here.

From being quite a thriving place, with many regular contributors, it seems to have dropped away to very little over the past few months - which is a pity as we did seem to have a decent 'social scene' in here.

Where is everybody??  :)
UBT - Chris Suddick
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Post by UBT - Chris Suddick »

Good idea!

I have also got tired of seeing the same three posts and so I only check out the forum 1-2 times a week.

I only have 1 PC available for BOINC so I'm nowhere near the team's biggest contributor but I'm every bit as keen as the next man.

UBT - Rick Horn
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Post by UBT - Rick Horn »

OK that`s four of us then! We`ve had two or three old hands come back to the forum again, which is great to see, but I`m disappointed with the lack of new members these days.
The admins have decided not to allow Yahoo and Gmail accounts, as we were getting a lot of spam at one time.

We haven`t had a single spam post for at least six months, but we hardly ever get a new member on the forum either.
Personally, I think it may be time to open up the forum a little again, and see what happens. If we get a spam flood, I can handle it. :wink:

Now excuse me, I`ve got three new posts to answer.  :lol:
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Post by david »

Agree wholeheartedly

  I tend to stay out of things as i believe things to be mainly Brit in direction and subject and being a "foreigner" sit on the sideline,not sure whether thats good or bad

 It certainly would be a shame to see the forum fold for lack of interest and momentum

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Post by Timby »

Nice one guys, keep this up and we might get 10 reply s  :oops:
David, in my opinion it makes no odds where in the world you live, personally I have several friends in Aus and Skype them regularly, I don't think of them as foreigners just friends living further away than some of the others (apart from the envy of the nice weather, but you can keep the creepy crawlies).
As with any Great Team, the members are the team and we are all entitled to have our input, obviously the Mods will deal with you if your too controversial  :wink:

Any way, nice to see some action on the forum, lets try and keep it going?
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

Welcome back to any "old" members....good to see you back and engaging on the forum.

I think the simple issue with regards to how active the forum is, is that lots of "other stuff" has attracted people away from very specific forums (such as this one) into a more wide-ranging arena - with the likes of BeBo, MySpace, Facebook and now Google+ all coming on the scene and taking up peoples "spare time" leaving less time for other things.....

And of course, people's personal circumstances can change and certain thing you used to do go down the ranking order, simply due to one's priorities in "life"....

FWIW, the "team" and this forum will continue for as long as it can - hopefully attracting a few new members every once in a while.....and while I'd love to open up the registration process, I'm worried by the number of "auto-bots" and spammers who will post stuff that may be irrelevant.....perhaps we could run an experiment for December and see what happens......we can easily bolt the door at any time, if these "robots" become too voracious :)

In the meantime, happy crunching and perhaps a few more interesting posts can be made which might generate some more members joining and hopefully posting too...

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Post by whitecrow »

OK hi all.

Have admit i lurk the forums a lot and don't post.

One reason is i am Dyslexic and i played lot online games and been on internet since i was like 12. I am now 29 :-0 omfg getting to mid life crises

need buy sports car soon.

But not posting due fact all time people take piss out my grammar spelling make fun me in games on forums bully crap out me really due it.

I really fed up it as i am called a chav or a paki or immigrant or not English lol.

Just tad pain ass and yes i had like 13 professional teachers try teach me spell and write. Still write like 4 year old.

that's my answer for not posting much.

Anyway yea i am 29 From South Gloucestershire but travel around working and currently in Dorset . worked mainly south west England and i have proper west country accent.  I currently have one computer and laptop crunching on Poem@home. did have PS3 doing foulding@home but that ended.  And i am not on Facebook i hate Facebook. I am single due my job working so much. :0 work holic.
+ women pain my ass.  

I like crunching for UK Boinc team and doing Medical and science projects to help others hopefully and to bring human race into better future. That is why i am here.

I also am bit guinea pig being Dyslexic been going hospital do tests try drugs and see how i do my life. they wanted take my brain out to examine but said no moment.
If you don't no much about it basically the brain is wired up different so better some area to others. Brain wired up wrong some reason or for good reason like Albert Einstein.
And i love the UK and love my country.

anyone hope someone understands some that. would love hear a bit more about you guys were from and why you do this.

and go careful everyone in this crazy flooding at moment take care of yourself's. its bad were i am gone need boat soon.
Crow yea later ;-) :cry:
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Post by hgblade »

Hi whitecrow, good to hear from you.

Don't worry about either the dyslexia (we have a son who is a year older than you with the same problem, so I can relate to that) or bullying here. Rick would soon deal with any posts that falls foul of the forum rules, and everyone who sticks to the rules is welcome, dyslexic or otherwise.

When I joined the forum a few years ago it was because I felt a need to 'belong' somewhere whilst crunching away, and preferably somewhere where there was a sense of competition and participation. I found that here, and it is sad that a lot of the regular posters from that time have faded into the background - but as Tim said, people's priorities change.

I work from home, and as a result spend a lot of time on the 2 computers that run 24 hours a day. Being on the computer means I've usually got a forum window open - so I've always been willing to 'join in' and you, and anyone else, will always be welcome.
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Post by whitecrow »

yep times are difficult for money and work and i believe that one reason you see lot members come go. i been team since 2004 but having the time money to crunch is struggle. I don't earn lots money and i don't have time to have family or go out much. work sleep work sleep.

But hay. i really want help with science and team that why i am hear.

i changed jobs few time last few years and i seen lot friends family struggle as well.

but there is always work out there . but it changes there life and hours of work when they swap jobs like me.

nice have family man on team hopefully  i can afford have family and be like you one day hgblade.

Your lucky man. most my generation only can dream to afford have family moment.

nice to meet you and for the kind words of support..
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Post by Jeffers »

Things are pretty quiet in here these days, apart from those few long-running threads. As mentioned earlier, there're so many other places to be that we don't see much in here that isn't BOINC related.

As for me, I'm retired now but time still seems to be in short supply. I've joined the "I don't know how I had time to work" club!

I've been crunching for years, originally doing SETI when it was just about the only distributed computing project out there. I like to do projects that try to make a better life for people, like Rosetta and Simap, with a bit of more abstract mathematics thrown in with Primegrid and DistRTgen.
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

OK - just a quick idea.....

We all know we've got lots of important things to do every day, every week, which just limits the amount of time we can spend on little hobbies like BOINC and this forum.

So, how's about this - how about we set up the BUMP Club....?

Basically, all you do is browse through the forum, looking for interesting stuff that most members might not have seen.....then just "add reply" to the thread, with ONLY the word "bump" in the message.

This way, some of the "interesting" stuff might get a new lease of life, which otherwise, might have been missed....and this will lead to more viewings, which might then lead to new posts.

Any useful comments about this idea gladly welcomed.

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Post by whitecrow »

we Could do some more threads started about news and hot topics so we can laugh and discus them.
In general life not in Boinc

I like catching up news whats going on in UK and the views others.

I.e Duchess of Cambridge Kate pregnant: good for country 0r bad  1p tax more  for everyone. Or help bring more tourism the country what your view. Congrats to her byway. helps advertise the UK more. like Olympics.

We had great Olympics and i saw no real topics.

What about the dodgy bankers in country ripping use off.

General news topics to discus and what going on in UK be good.

I like current affairs gossip and news like everyone.

or post to topics on other web sites with cool stuff talk or laugh about.

Bumping topics like this talk about be cool. just idea .  :P
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