Strange Goings on?

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UBT - Chris Suddick
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Strange Goings on?

Post by UBT - Chris Suddick »

I come to read this forum most days and never have a problem. I just click on the saved address and I'm there. Today, however, it was different and it didn't log me in automagically which I took to mean that my system had lost the cookie or it had expired. When I tried to log in it told me that the maximum number of attempts had been exceeded! This starts a few alarm bells ringing (or it could be my tinnitus) because I haven't made any unsuccessful attempts to log in. Has anyone else noticed anything strange going on?

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Strange Goings on?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Chris

Thanks for the report.

I've not noticed anything "strange" as such, although, sometimes, I do find the submission of postings to be a little slow...once you hit the "Submit" button, it might take say 5 or 6 seconds to actually submit the new or reply posting.

As for the logging in issue...maybe best if we see if anyone else has experienced anything could just be a "one-off" with the forum and database getting "out of sync"...or it could be an issue that needs further investigation.

So, anyone else had this issue?

UBT - Chris Suddick
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Re: Strange Goings on?

Post by UBT - Chris Suddick »


I am now less inclined to think this is a widespread problem for the forum. About lunchtime yesterday my e-mail stopped working because the password was suddenly incorrect. I spent a delightful hour on the phone to Talktalk customer support, who are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, getting the issue resolved. I wonder what will happen today?


UBT - Timbo
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Re: Strange Goings on?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Chris,

It sounds to me if you've had "password issues" (on different websites) that it could be: a browser issue, a pop-up or "ad" blocker problem, or perhaps an anti-virus program depends obviously on what the circumstances were at the relevant times.

Unless you had a broadband issue which was somehow blocking certain "commands" - but I think that's unlikely.

Best keep an eye on it and see what happens "next time"...

Do you reboot the PC often or is it running 24/7 ? Sometimes Windows Updates causes issues and you need a full reboot to get everything working again ;)

UBT - Chris Suddick
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Re: Strange Goings on?

Post by UBT - Chris Suddick »


Thanks for your suggestions and concern. I really do seem to be going through the mill at the moment. I've just spent an hour on the phone to my bank because of issues with the internet banking. I can't be sure everything is related but three things in three days seems a little coincidental to me.

You mentioned Windows Update - Some years ago I went on holiday leaving the PC running (for BOINC of course) and when I got home the internet was not working and a reboot of everything failed to resolve the issue. I concluded my network card was foobar so I went and bought a new one. That was the same. After rooting around the system I discovered that Windows Update had run while I was away. A quick roll back cured everything. Now I never update anything unless I'm sat there watching it to make sure it does everything OK. I don't trust microsoft as far as I could throw them. They're just a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Strange Goings on?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

UBT - Chris Suddick wrote:Tim,

Thanks for your suggestions and concern. I really do seem to be going through the mill at the moment. I've just spent an hour on the phone to my bank because of issues with the internet banking. I can't be sure everything is related but three things in three days seems a little coincidental to me.
Hi Chris

It might be an idea to run Malware Bytes (which is a free download) and see if it finds any gremlins in the works. It only takes a stray bit of coding on a badly written website to bring things grinding to a halt (or worse - the coding could be very well written and design to inflict nasties on visitors ;) )
You mentioned Windows Update - Some years ago I went on holiday leaving the PC running (for BOINC of course) and when I got home the internet was not working and a reboot of everything failed to resolve the issue. I concluded my network card was foobar so I went and bought a new one. That was the same. After rooting around the system I discovered that Windows Update had run while I was away. A quick roll back cured everything. Now I never update anything unless I'm sat there watching it to make sure it does everything OK. I don't trust microsoft as far as I could throw them. They're just a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

I have a similar attitude towards M$ - but the trouble is their stuff works and there's no other alternative...other than Linux (or you pay lots of dosh to Apple and change all your hardware).

Way back when, there were a few alternatives to both MS-DOS (DR-DOS, PC-DOS or my fave 4DOS) and Windows (GEM maybe ?). You could even buy non-Apple computers (Power Macs', Motorola etc), running earlier versions of MacOS.

Now, we have to put up with a mega corporation with 100,000 employees generating huge turnover and an OS that could be a lot better. However, they should be thanked as in most cases, lots of different brands of PC's and add-in cards and peripherals all seem to work (and assuming the drivers are kept upto date by the hardware people).

Update does make things "better" if there are issues with programs or drivers...but it's sad that nothing ever seems to stand still for long enough for people to relax...there's always the worry that the next "patch Tuesday" is going to bring even more grief to customers, due to a long forgotten bug that a script kiddie can target.

As for the revolution...I think I might target a few other people first before the M$ staff...the trouble is "where do you stop?" - as Dirty Harry said:
Pretty soon, you'll start executing people for jaywalking. And executing people for traffic violations. Then you end up executing your neighbor 'cause his dog pisses on your lawn.
That's why i don't have a dog !! lol

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