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Embedded active content

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:16 am
by UBT - BHCJackie
I thought this might be of interest to the any web designers on the team

TOURBUS Volume 11, Number 44 --- 16 March 2006
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Info for Web Designers

[Warning: This next part is kind of advanced stuff. Please accept my
apologies in advance.]

If you create web pages that display active content such as embedded
QuickTime movies, RealPlayer movies, Java Applets, or Flash,
Shockwave, or Authorware players, check out

In their February 26-ish Windows/Microsoft Update, our friends in
Redmond fundamentally changed the way Internet Explorer handles
embedded, active content. From here forward, "Active content that is
embedded in HTML pages in certain ways will not be able to receive
user input (for example, keyboard or mouse events) until the user
clicks to either activate or continue loading the control." You can
find a short Breeze presentation on this topic, and a possible fix
[a js "design around" solution], at

The Internet Tourbus - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238
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