Annual BOINC Census

Anything "BOINC" specific can be commented on here...such as Project news and announcements etc. Also: any problems with BOINC or maybe you have found something interesting, tell us about it. Chat about the various 3rd party client applications used for some of the projects such as optimised clients.
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UBT - Timbo
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Annual BOINC Census

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

I just saw this on the DIscord BOINC Network channel:
It's been done before but we are making it official! The BOINC Census is an annual survey for anyone who knows about BOINC!

This census is being conducted by The Science Commons Initiative (

We do not collect any personal information in this survey. At the very worst, some broad demographic data is collected.

By completing this survey, you are actively supporting the BOINC ecosystem

Click here to start the Census 👉
Some members might want to contribute to the survey?

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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by djg2008 »

UBT - Timbo wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:50 pm Hi all

I just saw this on the DIscord BOINC Network channel:
It's been done before but we are making it official! The BOINC Census is an annual survey for anyone who knows about BOINC!

This census is being conducted by The Science Commons Initiative (

We do not collect any personal information in this survey. At the very worst, some broad demographic data is collected.

By completing this survey, you are actively supporting the BOINC ecosystem

Click here to start the Census 👉
Some members might want to contribute to the survey?

Thank you for the heads up, Tim!

This is my first post here, so you might consider this my introduction post also.

I completed the survey. At the very end in the suggestion part; I suggested they post about this Survey on the actual Manager client (via Notifications panel). I didn't even know this was a thing until I saw this post you wrote, and I put it down in the suggestion box as such! I will admit, I don't check the official BOINC forums.

Actually, I have been bossing it on PrimeGrid. Since the 8th of September - I've gone from about 3 Million credits in WW subproject to this day (10th Nov) sitting at 58,608,000.00 (4800+ tasks since I begun the project). I have made no discoveries so far, and only double checked a grand total of one GFN prime that was about 1.1 million digits long.

For now I am sticking to WW until it wraps up to try and hit Double Bronze before it ends. It's going to be tight! I am also doing Extended Sierpinski Problem (LLR/cpu), and then GFN-20s (GPU) on that powerful Ryzen rig. I'll be sticking to GPU PPS-Sv and CPU on PPS-MEGA on the weaker rig (i5) whilst the android phone does Universe. I am aiming to discover Very large primes, even if it means virtually no discoveries.

Thanks for the heads up about the BOINC-census, and the previous team invite when I wrote you via Universe@Home private message I think it was (or MW@H)!

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi djg

No worries :-)

Glad to see your posting and hopefully the feedback provided on the census will help those who created it to keep BOINC "relevant" in this day and age :-)

And well done on the PG project - it has been going for some time now and they have found many new Primes - though it does seem that new discoveries are quite rare, but that is only to be expected I guess. But keep up the good work and who knows? You might find a Prime that has never been found before !!

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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by djg2008 »

Thanks for the reply. I will keep on keeping on.

One thing I noticed is that you can't use [center][/center] on the signature on this board here. I don't know if you need to add the BB code for it. I saw a guide on how it's done if unsure: ... in-phpbb3/

Or maybe you just disabled it for some reason. It was printing the tags [center][/center] around my sig earlier, but no effect.

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi djg

Thanks for the info.

There are certain"add-ins" that can be hard-coded into phpBB, but I am unsure if these are retained whenever the "core" phpBB software is upgraded.

So, I have tended to keep the phpBB "add-ins" to a minimum to lessen the workload, after a software upgrade takes place as there might be a need to re-install these "add-ins" afterwards. (And I am not gifted with php skills to be able to fix things if it goes wrong :-( ).

But I'll look at the guide you kindly provided a link to and see what is involved.

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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by djg2008 »

I played around with the software for old versions of this board (phpBB software). But we are talking 15 years ago now, probably around the same time I started ever looking at BOINC/Seti@Home. I used to like coding in PHP and HTML, but it wasn't my forte. Server load was never something I had great skill in. I also used to own an official license for vBulletin, just because I wanted to play around. I love all the settings and things. Not sure I would want to take responsibility for such things anymore.

I do consider my own computers as my 'servers' that are on 24/7 and net connected. But server efficiency management isn't a skill of mine; I'm more into software and understand it quite well usually. I do have Apache installed on this machine, but haven't loaded/used/updated it for about 2 years now. I was trying to make a map for a game in Java/HTML using image layering. It just became a pain and burned away my interest in coding, though I did self-learn some cool imaging/layering techniques. I had thought about playing around with layers to see if I can make some Badges for PrimeGrid. Still considering it. I stopped gaming this year to dedicate runtime to BOINC, and I wanted my contributions to go towards a team; hence I joined yours :)

The thing that jumped out to me on that site I linked was in fact the <div text-align="center"></div> - people were saying it does center images, too (even if the semantics of the element property suggests otherwise). I don't know if that's out of date, for 2022 though (it was 2016, and updated maybe 2018 if memory serves, I haven't checked the site since yesterday's glimpse so I may be wrong on details).

I'll wrap the [center][/center] tag around my sig in the settings. If you do manage to fix it, it'll show in this thread when fixed. Otherwise it doesn't matter to me, I just thought the sig would look nicer in the middle haha!

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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by Rachael2022 »

I filled in the census - even though I am not crunching atm,
Still felt it was worth giving feedback.

Hope you are all well. x
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Re: Annual BOINC Census

Post by djg2008 »

Hello Rachael!

All well here thanks, just caring after my dad and crunching. Hope you're well too!

I am not surprised if hardly anyone in this country is crunching at the moment! Been thinking about this for a couple months now. We may be looking at a lull due to the increased energy costs. I am gonna say those who can crunch in future will likely do so when the costs come down, hopefully that isn't years away.

I have been trying to run Einstein@Home on android just today funnily enough, due to Universe@Home being down until 28th (Nov). Not had much luck, my Samsung Gal A10 doesn't seem to like the settings I was using for U@H.

U@H could pull 6 of the 8 cores into play and run them consistently, and allow me to use the phone at 50% ram limit in the settings. With E@H I had to restrict it to 2 of the 8 cores at 100% ram limit and can't seem to use the phone for anything else sadly. It finally seems to be running OK like that at the moment - 2 tasks now at almost 7% each. Fingers crossed!

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