Now where did THAT go ??

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UBT - Timbo
UBT Forum Admin
Posts: 9695
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Now where did THAT go ??

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

The forum has now been fully updated, BUT, we have lost a few posts that were made since the forum came back online on Wednesday.

This is because the current database file (as of time of writing) couldn't be fully re-integrated with the new version of phpBB forum software as it apparently had 3 different versions of phpBB "table structures" within it.

(Edit: We could have kept the forum running as it was, but as and when it came time to upgrade again, the chances are that we would not have been able to upgrade the database at all and hence we would have lost even more of the "postings" - so much better to cut our losses now and get everything in good order and build on a more solid "foundation" for the future).

And as very few posts were actually made between Wednesday afternoon and this morning, so I've made an "executive decision" that as none of them were that significant so there's little to no point in trying to restore them.

So, the last backup (made before the forum upgrade attempt) has been restored and the forum is now running the latest release of phpBB.

I do apologise about this, and in future I will will try to ensure that some further tests and steps are undertaken to ensure there is compatibility between how the forum is running and when any new "updated" version that is released.

So, we will go into "testing phase" for a couple of days and fingers crossed, all should be well.

regards and a BIG THANK YOU to Janos for all his time and supreme effort
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