Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

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Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by chriscambridge »

Hi Members,

Is anyone running a 980 Ti and a 970?

If so, how do they compare? Does the 980 do processing twice as quick or more, than the 970?

Also how does Evga compare to Asus?

Also are the reference editions any good?

I can pick up a new Asus 970 from Amazon for £216.18, or a used (but not overclocked) Evga 980 Ti for around £300. ... B00NJ9BJ8G

For GPUGrid I know the 980 Ti is the best performing card (no 1080s yet), not sure about the other projects.


Last edited by chriscambridge on Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by chriscambridge »

I just found this..

It indicates that the 980 Ti is around 60% quicker, for PrimeGrid Tasks at least.

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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Chris,

I'm pretty sure that the latest Pascal (ie GP series of) NVidia GPU's will be way ahead of any previous iterations, both in terms of processing power as well as efficiency.

As such, I've been looking at the GTX 1060 3Gb version which you can buy NEW for less than £200. And according to this: ... _10_series

it's as fast as a GTX970

And a GTX 1070 outperforms a GTX 980 TI and you can get the 1070 for £300.

So, you might be better off with a NEW gen 10xx series card as it clearly work better than the 9xx range.

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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by chriscambridge »

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the update on the 1070 and 1060.

I am sold on the GTX 1070 due to the much lower TDP, Higher Cores, and Core clock speed - compared to the 980 Ti not too mention the 970.

I found the following which compares, the GTX 1080, 1070, 1060, 980 Ti, and 970 (etc). ... 0-3640925/

The only thing holding me back is that I can only find 1070's for sale new around £400+ (cheapest one is £378), and only 3 second hand ones on Ebay for £350-400.

Can you point out where the are going for £300? I guess you are talking about second hand ones.

Anoyingly, I have been offered a MSI 970 Gaming edition 4Gb from a reseller for £140, currently selling new for £200.

Although given above I would much prefer the 1070 due to its lower TDP (based on crunch to power ratio).


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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Chris

I only looked briefly at fleabay and found quite a few 1070's selling in the range of £300-350.

On further inspection, these seem to all be from the US and are variously, 2nd user, manufacturer refurbs or the odd new one. Unfortunately, the table listings only shows the price of the item and the postage - and doesn't show the duty that also needs to be paid...and this then makes the pricing more like £400-450 :-(

So, apologies for the mistake....though my instinct still tells me that the GTX 10xx series is still the better one to go for, in the long term.

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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by chriscambridge »

Hi Tim,

Right now GPU prices seem to all over the place; 4 weeks ago I paid £188 for a new Asus 970 from Overclockers. A week later they were discontinued. Now they are selling them for £260 (if I remember rightly). That's quite a jump from £188 to £260!

Also alot of places seem to have discontinued the 970, and 980 Ti's - I guess because they are trying to sell more 10XX series.

What I have done now, basically because I made an offer on the 970 and the guy agreed (before I spoke to you), is to agree to buy the MSI 970 as its pretty cheap and has not been overclocked.


Then probably in the January sales I will look to grabbing a 1070 if they are cheap enough.

Thanks for your heads up on the 1070, I had no idea that they were in the £400 price range new - I assumed they were around £500+.

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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by chriscambridge »

I am now the proud owner of a new (used) GTX 970!
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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by Woodles »

Congratulations Chris, they're a great little GPU (I've got one identical to that one :) )

You can get new 1070s from the States for £310 - £350 (check out Newegg) but they come with £70 tax and duty and £30 P&P.


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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by chriscambridge »

Hi Mark,

So far it has been great.

The only thing with the MSI and Gigabyte 970's is the fact they require two 6/8 pin cables, whereas the Asus only requires one.

In the end, re: 1070, I went with the logic that 2x 970 are cheaper, and would probably do more processing that a 1070.

(ignoring the fact they use far more electricity than the 1070 would have)..

Also I reasoned that if I got them cheaper enough, which I did, then I could probably sell 2 of them on Ebay in the new year for practically the same as I paid for them - and get a 1070 when the prices had dropped a bit.
scole of TSBT
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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by scole of TSBT »

FWIW, on POEM (when it was still alive) a 1070 was about 1.5x faster than a 970 (not all projects are the same though) and a 1070 uses 120 watts (non-OC) while a 970 uses 150 watts. It's worth finding some stats on various projects, doing the math and seeing what the payback period is for the Pascal GPUs.
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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by scole of TSBT »

Woodles wrote:Congratulations Chris, they're a great little GPU (I've got one identical to that one :) )

You can get new 1070s from the States for £310 - £350 (check out Newegg) but they come with £70 tax and duty and £30 P&P.


If a friend mails you a GPU, do you still have to pay import taxes? Also, if you know anyone with a US APO (military/diplomatic) address, items can be mailed to them as cheap as within the US. Just sayin'.
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Re: Advice on the GTX 980 Ti vs the GTX 970?

Post by UBT - Timbo »

scole of TSBT wrote:If a friend mails you a GPU, do you still have to pay import taxes?
Hi Steve

I think you have to pay import/VAT charges on anything that is imported - no matter WHO sent it - that is valued above a certain amount. It used to be free of duty if the item was less than £32 in value.

Now it's free of duty if less than £135 (excl shipping/insurance) and free of VAT if less than £15. ... d-Kingdom/

So, any item less than £15 would not incur any charges - basically because it's not worth the govt's time to raise the paperwork !!

Over £15 you just pay VAT and over £135 you pay customs duty AND VAT. :-(

After all, some-one's got to pay for the Queen, the PM, 2 aircraft carriers and some submarines, a nuclear deterent, plus HS2 and loads of expenses and legal fees ;-)

Of course, you can under value an item, but if customs inspect the item (by opening the packaging, which they are legally entitled to do) then they can re-value the item and you end up paying anyway.

There is another way around sending a unit abroad for repair and then having the item it is implied that duty/VAT was paid on it's original further duty on the same item isn't due.

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