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Not new but nevermind.....

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:51 pm
by Jeffers
Not new, but just finished sorting out my account from the old site.
Still seems a bit quiet in here...... :wink:

Re: Not new but nevermind.....

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:55 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi Jeffers,

Welcome to the bright, shiny new forum :)

I think quite a few people have stopped frequenting the place and for all sorts of reasons, as I think many people think BOINC is now a bit "stale" many have given up their resources, but to what end? Hardly any new "big advancements" have been made in many fields, so I think a lot of people have thought "so what?" and have left.

And that's a shame as I think BOINC can do good things...the problem is finding a "good enough" project to get behind and inspire people.

So, we'll see how we fare in 2016, and hope that maybe things can be turned around?
