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Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:41 pm
by UBT - Glenn
Hi guys,

Im back and a little bit lost..

I had an email to tell me that "Outsmart ebola" is now available from World Community Grid to crunch to help find a cure for this nasty virus. Ive been facinated by this since reading a book about how ebola arrived from Kinshasha in Africa ages ago.

So i add the project to my list at World Community Grid and cancel the others as i want to give this project a week of 100%


I switch my Boinc manager to advanced view and suspend all other projects as i want to concentrate on this 1 for a while and when i switch back to small view this is what i see i the "Tasks" list.


Why am i not seeing the "outsmart ebola" in the Tasks list?

I've hit "Synchronise" after selecting "World Community Grid" in the Projects drop down tab..

Thanks for all replies and can i be 1 of the first to wish all fellow UK Boinc Team members Happy Christmas !!! ;)


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:03 pm
by UBT - Mikee
I don't use 'simple view' so this is a bit of a guess. It's running the available Work Units all ready downloaded and won't get any more until the current batch is near completion then it will download the new applications work units.

Personally I'd 'delete' rather than suspend all the other work units from all the other projects as well - I think if 'Suspended' then BOINC manager won't download beyond a certain level as it thinks it has enough to work with - if that makes sense!

That's my pennyworth anyway!


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:33 pm
by UBT - Chris
That is correct, Mikee - all you need to do is "abort" all of the tasks from WCG that you currently, have and they will then be replaced with Outsmart Ebola tasks.


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:32 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi Glenn,

As Mikee and Chris have said, if you simply keep all the current tasks that have started already, (as it would be wasteful of the energy already spent on them to abort them now), and just abort any tasks that haven't started yet, then once the half-completed tasks have finished you'll then find your cache is filled up with the wanted tasks.

Obviously it goes without saying to suspend ALL other projects EXCEPT WCG ;)


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:53 pm
by Woodles
Hi Glenn,

I think Tim means abort the ones that haven't started yet but not the ones that have as you've already invested time in them.


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:19 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Woodles wrote:Hi Glenn,

I think Tim means abort the ones that haven't started yet but not the ones that have as you've already invested time in them.

Hi Mark,

Yup - thanks for that - I've corrected my original text accordingly - I knew it was right, but it could have confused anyone else reading it !!
