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International Quote of the Month

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:26 am
by Zydor
There is currently a big debate going on in Spain over the Time Zone it uses. Currently its 2hrs ahead of GMT in Summer, and 1hr ahead in Winter. Yet in Geographical terms its location on the Planet mirrors London for Time Zone purposes.

Franco arbitrarily changed Spain's Time Zone in 1942, to match Germany and Hitler's. It was never changed back after WW2. So currently Spain is way out of wack on the whole Time Zone question, hence the current National Debate.

Unfortunately many of the "Great Unwashed" don't get it, and its causing issues. To quote an individual living in Villar del Arzobispo:
Spanish culture, like every other, is not governed by time zones. It is governed by tradition, their age-old normal way of doing things. This report is nonsense. People eat, sleep and work according to the clock on their wall or the watch on their wrist. They do NOT eat one hour earlier in winter. God save us from so-called "experts".
*Sigh* :)