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Having to cut down on crunching

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:40 am
by Jeffers
I've reached a point where I'm going to have to reduce the time that my PC is powered on.
Just got my latest energy bill, electricity cost over £200 for the quarter!
I'm pretty good at managing this sort of stuff, and we're on about the lowest fixed price tariff we can get. That runs out in November and no doubt things will cost more on the next deal.
So we're having to look at some economising, and cutting back on PC usage is one area I'm looking at. My PC is generally on 24x7, and is crunching for most of that time. I just stop GPU work if I'm doing any gaming. I'm going to set the PC up to sleep if I don't use it for an hour, that way I don't have to think about it. I think that's the best compromise between crunching and financial constraints that I can manage.....

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:45 pm
by Zydor
You have Mail  :wink:


Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:32 pm
by Joshrandom
I've set two of my machines to only crunch on economy seven, yet I still need to be sitting down when I open the dreaded leccy bill.  :shock:
Zydor wrote:You have Mail  :wink:

Well that's a rather tantalising post Zydor, and assuming that your advice doesn't involve an extension lead and your next door neighbour's garage, I'd also like to hear your views on the matter.  :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:01 pm
by Zydor
Joshrandom wrote: .....  Well that's a rather tantalising post Zydor, and assuming that your advice doesn't involve an extension lead and your next door neighbour's garage .....
I hope it helps, you may already be aware of it .... I'll PM some example  rates tonight

But ....  extension lead .... garage ..... now there's a thought  ..  :laughing6:
