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Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:32 pm
by UBT - Terry
Ok Linux people installed Fedora 6 64bit version downloaded boinc 5.8.16i686 but Gedit can't open it anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
EDIT this is the message that comes up
Could not open the file /home/UBT-Terry/Desktop/… using the Western (ISO-8859-15) character coding.


Re: Gedit

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:22 pm
by Temujin
UBT - Terry wrote:Ok Linux people installed Fedora 6 64bit version downloaded boinc 5.8.16i686 but Gedit can't open it anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
EDIT this is the message that comes up
Could not open the file /home/UBT-Terry/Desktop/… using the Western (ISO-8859-15) character coding.

Hi Terry
this popped up for someone else a week or so ago
/home/UBT-Terry/Desktop/… is a shell archive, sort of like a zip file
First you need to move it to where you want your BOINC directory ie /home/UBT-Terry
You will probably have to give it execute permission with chmod    a+x   /home/UBT-Terry/…
you then extract it by typing sh   /home/UBT-Terry/…
that will create a /home/UBT-Terry/BOINC directory and all the boinc files will be inside that directory.
It should also give you some messages about run_server and run_client

see how you get on with that

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:04 pm
by UBT - Terry
And where do i type all that John being as this is the 1st time ive even looked at linux?
I know the brain and dangerous thing comes to mind

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:10 pm
by UBT - Terry
Don't worry mate done it WOW i have got a bit of a brain after all.
I'M ON LINUX YEAH  :roll:  :oops:

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:32 pm
by Temujin
UBT - Terry wrote:Don't worry mate done it WOW i have got a bit of a brain after all.
I'M ON LINUX YEAH  :roll:  :oops:
sorry mate, I posted that from work and have now gone home :D
I guess you found you had to open a terminal or console, something you can type commands into :D

so, are you up and running with boinc?  attached to some projects?

Next you'll be wanting boinc to start automatically when the machine boots :D
I'm on holiday for a week now so won't be around but if you want I can take you thru that when I get back.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:22 pm
by UBT - Terry
Ok John thanks all up n running just gotta fiddle a bit with bios to get speeds upto same as xp but all working fine :D


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:13 pm
by Naon
Have a nice holiday, will you take me through the lesson of auto starting Boinc

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:33 pm
by Temujin
Naon wrote:Have a nice holiday, will you take me through the lesson of auto starting Boinc
Hi Naon
Yep, I'll take you through it.
What Linux flavour have you got?
How much do you know Linux? Expert/Medium/Beginner/Hopeless Newbie :D
Do you run boinc as root or as a user ie naon

Apart from getting my own 40+ machines auto boincing, I've talked another 3 UBTers through it using Xandros, Ubuntu and ... err.... another one :D

I'm usually free saturday afternoon onwards and most of sunday, we'll sort something around that.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:32 am
by UBT - Terry
Dunno about Naon but I sure would like a little help,
I'd put myself in the blooming hopeless catagory :lol:

EDIT running Fedora 6 as user ie UBT-Terry's Home if thats what you mean John.

Thanks John

 Terry :oops:

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:17 pm
by Naon
I am with you terry total hopeless newbe here. I am running ubuntu as a user. Just changing brake pads on car at mo.   :lol:

Victory, i have finished now    :shock:  (£50 Saved)

I will be in the chat room  -------->  :idea: