Im back

A section to chat about whatever takes your fancy about the team in general. For queries about the UBT Forum, please post a message here. Likewise, any suggestions for making the forum better...
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UBT - Glenn
UBT Contributor
Posts: 58
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Im back

Post by UBT - Glenn »

Hi Guys (& girls),

Im back after being none to well and fired Boinc back up last week ;)

Just wondering if anyone could tell me (from my sig stats) what projects to add as i notice that altho running non stop for the last 4-5 days im not even listed on the UOTD :(

Many thanks

Posts: 437
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:00 am

Post by Zydor »

Hi Glenn

Good to hear medical troubles are behind you .... Welcome Home  :D

The trick with that one is create or amend your Project Profile. Projects Servers tend to go for uptodate ones where possible, else it can look a little strange.  So if a Project Profile has recently been amended - or indeed created for the first time on the Project - then the server perks up and you head for the short list. It then will not be long before you come round for stardom :)

If you don't have a Project Profile .... you'll never come up on the list.

Nip over and add a space to a line on all your Projects Profiles - whatever - creates a saved amendment, and that yells at the server "I live" rofl

What type you want to crunch? GPU/CPU/Project type etc, then someone can chirp in with suggestions to mull over.

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