Happy New Year !

A section to chat about whatever takes your fancy about the team in general. For queries about the UBT Forum, please post a message here. Likewise, any suggestions for making the forum better...
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UBT - Timbo
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Happy New Year !

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

And so 2025 has started so I'd like to wish all members and visitors a Very Happy New Year !

Hopefully, peace, prosperity and maybe some choccy HobNobs might be coming your way soon?

The eagle-eyed might have noticed I've consolidated a few of the forum sub-sections and I've also removed from public view some other less relevant sections (which to be honest, no one was using). These sections will be archived off in due course.

In the short term, I will keep the forum going as it is, but in the mid-term, I'll start locking some sections (if no posts are forthcoming and making them "read only") and that will just allow people to read any existing comments, without being able to respond to them. And in the few months after that, the forum will go offline. And I'll then setup a new website front page, with hotlinks to the UBT pages on Facebook, Twitter (now "X") and Discord.

UBT - PennyQ
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Re: Happy New Year !

Post by UBT - PennyQ »

Happy New Year to you too Tim!
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Re: Happy New Year !

Post by wbiz »

Yes, happy new year to all.

Plans for the forum sound fine, if its going to become a links page anyway it might as well be sooner than later.

The team did pretty well last year on FB and BG, lets hope it continues and electricity prices drop.
UBT - Mikee
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Re: Happy New Year !

Post by UBT - Mikee »

January 7th 2025- might be the last "Happy New Year" to all as it's so quiet here now!

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UBT - Timbo
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Re: Happy New Year !

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi to Penny, wbiz and Mikee

Thanks for your messages and support. :-)

I'm actually suffering from a bit of disenchantment at the limited interaction that has occurred over the last 2-3 years. It was once a "hot bed" of chats, tweaks, intrigue, fun, and some skull-duggery (as far as some other "nameless" teams were concerned !!).

But it is what it is and if people drift away then this is just how things are, as people have to prioritise their lives and sometimes other interests become more important. And it is obvious, that support for BOINC (in general) is only carrying on thanks to a few die-hard members of UBT and of course other teams are in the same boat as well.

So, this website will carry on for a while yet, as I've just paid for another years domain name registration, though the forum may become more like an old abandoned village, with just tumbleweed blowing through it's empty streets ;-)

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Re: Happy New Year !

Post by djg2008 »

Hi Tim,
(and happy new year to you and all members);

I have noticed that some of the members don't seem to use the Discord.

It would be sad to see the site die, especially as I am still Folding instead, and our team is now within the top 1200 teams. It still displays a link to this site in the profile, so may provide exposure.

If you need help with any donations for server costs or domain stuff, let us know and maybe we can rally. I could afford to donate if necessary, just not using PayPal. If I can be of help, feel free to reach out to me. I may not check here daily, but Discord I will see messages and check there often daily.

Also on Discord in the chat channel, if you @Ping my username I will see a notification (little red 1 in the corner on the list of servers) and be sure to check in!


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