Doctor Who CIN

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UBT - Mikee
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Doctor Who CIN

Post by UBT - Mikee »

As Doctor Who is 50 this year I was having a look around this interwebnet thing yesterday and I found this on Youtube

Doctor Who special on Children In Need from 1993. Part of the 'story' is that a Doctor jumps back and forward in time by 20 years - 2013 being one of them. Weird to see what producers just 20 years ago thought may happen now! Any actor thinking they have a job for life on Eastenders better think again as well!

Little game for you - Spot the Jon Pertwee stuntman!
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Post by Zydor »

OMG ..... not "The Converter" ..... that'll teach those Fiends  :toothy2:
UBT - Timbo
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Re: Doctor Who CIN

Post by UBT - Timbo »


And now, 10 years later, Doctor Who is celebrating it's 60th Anniversary.

OK - so how many have been watching the 3 new David Tennant episodes and now just waiting until the Christmas episode is on TV?

I've certainly loved DT being back, under the auspices of the also returning, I'll be watching to see how the 15th Doctor evolves over the coming months...

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Re: Doctor Who CIN

Post by wbiz »

Not me, Tom Baker spoiled it for me by turning it into slapstick. I quite like David Tenant but not enough for me to return to Dr Who again.

William Hartnell was brilliant.
Patrick Troughton was possibly the weakest of the first three but only because he didn't want to entirely copy Hartnell, I din't like his first episode but he grew on me.
John Pertwee managed to walk a very thin line of being Hartnell and modernising at the same time.
Tom Baker - trash
Peter Davidson I never saw, another actor I liked but I wouldn't have thought he was dominant enough to be a Dr, they need a presence that Davidson just doesn't have.
Capaldi would probably have been interesting?
Tenant I imagine would over-dramatise?
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