BOINC Workshop 2021

Anything "BOINC" specific can be commented on here...such as Project news and announcements etc. Also: any problems with BOINC or maybe you have found something interesting, tell us about it. Chat about the various 3rd party client applications used for some of the projects such as optimised clients.
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UBT - Timbo
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BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

This might interest some members - though it's too late to see the FIRST event, but hopefully it'll be on Youtube later.

edit: This is the link I've been sent for the YouTube presentations: ... S5b5gUJPyQ

Please join us for the 2021 BOINC Workshop (this year, online), the annual showcase for research enabled by BOINC, and an open forum to discuss the technology and community.

Three Wednesdays in April: 14, 21, 28. Learn more and register at

Learn, Discover, Participate, Build: BOINC Workshop 2021
3 Wednesdays in April: 14, 21, 28
starts at: 09:00 PST / 11:00 CST / 12:00 EST / 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET / 19:00 EET - 3 hrs

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is an open-source software — and community — that enables volunteers to donate spare processing power from their PCs, laptops, and phones, to power vital scientific and medical research.

Aggregated, these resources enable cutting edge research across mathematics, biology, physics, quantum chemistry, climate prediction and more.

The BOINC Workshop is comprised of three sessions. The first will showcase projects that using BOINC, highlighting the role of citizen participation in advancing scientific research. The second is a forum for BOINC projects to discuss the technology, their accomplishments in the past year, and technical needs moving forward. The third is an open-ended community discussion.

Who should attend?
The BOINC Workshop is for anyone interested in harnessing science, technology, and online community to advance knowledge and effect change.

(*Part of the workshop, “Tech Talks” and “Tutorials” will be focused on people running, or interested in running, BOINC projects.)

Where is the Event? How do I participate? Where do I sign up?
This year’s workshop will be online, via Zoom. Please register to get the event URL.

I’d like to present, who do I contact?
If you’d like to speak on any BOINC-related topic (science, technology, community), please register or contact us.

Can I watch a recording later?
We’ll be posting highlights to YouTube - but to participate in Q&A, and other interactive elements of the workshop, it’s best to join us live :)

BOINC Workshop 2019 presentations ... Vc0zb8J76c

There have been recent updates to the BOINC Workshop website.
Go ahead and register if you haven't already.

The World of BOINC. Wednesday April 14.

Come join the annual showcase of research projects using BOINC, and see what crowd-powered research is making possible today.

starts at: 09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3 hours

START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

00:10 David Anderson BOINC Initiatives

00:40 Marcus Belcastro Review of active BOINC projects

00:55 Rytis Slatkevičius The Science Cloud

01:10 Bruce Allen Einstein@Home

01:25 Nils Høimyr LHC@home

01:40 David Wollom

01:55 Juan Hindo World Community Grid: COVID Research

02:10 John Clemens MachineLearning@home (MLC@home)

02:25. Ritu Arora TACC@home: COVID Research

02:40 Matt Blumberg Find.Bio + Charity Engine

02:55 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week

Tech Talks. Wednesday April 21.
If you’re running a BOINC project, please join us to discuss technical aspects of your project: accomplishments, goals, and needs.

starts at: 09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3 hours

START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

00:10 Medha Atre Eydle AI

00:25 Mohanty Sharada AICrowd

00:40 Panel: "Issues for AI on Volunteer Computing"

01:10 Ritu Arora TACC@home

01:25 Andy Bowery CPDN

01:40 Vitalii Koshura BOINC Android

01:55 Nils Høimyr LHC@Home

02:10 Rytis Slatkevičius + Tristan Olive Charity Engine

02:25 David Anderson BOINC Development: Past year + draft roadmap

02:55 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week


There are awesome additions to the Schedule for The 2021 BOINC Workshop.

Steven Clark from nanoHUB has been added to The World of BOINC presentations on April 14 (only 2 sleeps from now) and Max Ryabinin from Learning@home has been added to Tech Talks on April 21.

Vitalii Koshura - BOINC for Android, Steven Clark - nanoHUB (San Diego Supercomputer Center) and Max Ryabinin - Learning@home have been added to the Speakers List.

The agenda for Community Discussion + Tutorials on April 28 has not been posted yet but World Community Grid Tech Keith Uplinger has an exciting announcement for that day:

"I am planning on doing a tutorial similar to what I did in Chicago about setting up a BOINC server and running from scratch. My plan is to have it run on ubuntu 20.04 for ease of use for those to set it up."
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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by chriscambridge »

By the way, Day 1 videos are now online at YouTube.
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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by Rachael2022 »

I actually watched the Boinc Workshop - Day 1 Bruce Allen and loved it.
He is genuinely passionate about Einstein and the work they do - It's why I am really motivated to stay on that project for now.

We are visiting the National Space Centre next week, and have been filling our spare time up with all sorts of space facts through videos.
This was one of my favourites so far really, the 'we almost never discovered it' element was so fun!
UBT - Timbo
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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Rachael

Personally, I love the projects that are geared up to search for "space" type answers, so SETI, Einstein, MilkyWay, Cosmology etc. And though I always enjoyed maths at school, the current range of BOINC projects dealing with mathematical subjects doesn't excite me the same way...

I'm sure that for some, knowing that (say) 2x 10 to the power of 32568461, minus 1 is PRIME is very nice to know and if you discover it, then well done...but it doesn't make me feel any better for having found it !!

I went to the NSC (near Leicester) about 5 years ago...was very interesting, and I think they've expanded the number of exhibits there since, so I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip there. I recall that the ticket price I paid back then, includes free return visits, if you go back again within the year. I'm not sure they are still doing that "deal"...but if it is still going, don't throw your ticket away as it'll give you the chance to go again for free on a later date.

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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by Rachael2022 »

We can't wait now, its our first time there I will take some photos to share here. My friends have also said we should visit the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre - so we do aim to fit that in at some point this year too. Covid meant alot of our plans were pushed back, so holidays we do get tend to be spent catching up with family instead.

I am also choosing to crunch data which is more space themed, I did look at Cern knowing they are due to start operations again but I think that requires Virtual box. I only want to use the boinc manager really and not virtual box, I did install this originally for rosetta but was told I'd need to make changes to my bios and that my PC probably wasn't good enough to run the python ones effectively anyway. So I uninstalled that as I'm really not that tech savvy and was very happy Einstein did not require it to run.

I have set my specs quite low for crunching until we fully understand things, I prefer the quicker turn over of Einsteins Gravitational wave 03 all sky search - which usually takes about 13-14 mins per unit. The Gamma-Ray pulsar searches take much longer so for now I am suspending those.

if you do know of any other space themed data that has a relatively small turnover (<1h) feel free to let me know.

Have a fab Friday

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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by UBT - Timbo »

HI Rachael

Sounds good. Hope you enjoy your visit to the NSC.

Jodrell Bank is brilliant - I've been a few times as it is quite near to where I work. :-) I even saw Hawkwind and the Australian Pink Floyd maybe 5 years the evening, they even turned the main dish around to face towards the audience and used it as a giant projector screen !!

They are currently building the new FIrst Light building which I am keen to see once it opens this year (according to their schedule) ... t-project/

re: Space type projects
Apart from the recently retired SETI@home, the main projects are:

Einstein - best with GPUs but CPU tasks available but take longer

MilkyWay - best with GPUs but CPU tasks available but take longer

Cosmology - now back online after recent issues - tasks only for CPUs

Universe - CPU only -

Asteroids - OFFLINE at present - best with GPUs but CPU tasks available but take longer

I think that's the main list of space-based projects :-) Most CPU tasks will take a lot longer than the GPU tasks from the same project. Though of course you can run both a GPU task and one or more CPU tasks simultaneously...

re: specifications
The speed of each task is very dependent on the CPU clock speed and which generation it is...

One of my hosts is an older quad core CPU, which has a pretty quick clock-speed of 3 GHz, BUT it has a small cache and its instruction set is a few years out of date so it's a "plodder" rather than a "go getter" ! But it works and I tend to only allow it to crunch the shorter tasks.

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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Rachael

oops - I forgot about another "space" based project which is:

gaia@home - CPU only tasks and are currently limited in number -

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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by Rachael2022 »

These are great thank you

I was freaking out a bit this morning as I wasn't being sent any more work from Einstein but after a little research, now have a big supply to keep me going (I just had to change how many days I needed to store! haha)

I joined the BoincNetwork discord a few days ago, and managed to stumble across their weekly live podcast where they were asking for improvements that could be made to Boinc, it was interesting listening to everyones ideas, not just about the projects - but also about how to get others involved, the data, science, communications etc.

I wondered if we would ever get any James Webb data to crunch, something like that would really get a lot of people involved and excited.
I recall looking at TESS data - which was manually done by citizen scientists, maybe something like this is more what we may eventually see due to the nature of the data?

Would be pretty fun to be able to crunch some data for JW though.
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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Rachael2022 wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 8:12 am We can't wait now, its our first time there I will take some photos to share here. My friends have also said we should visit the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre - so we do aim to fit that in at some point this year too. Covid meant alot of our plans were pushed back, so holidays we do get tend to be spent catching up with family instead.
Hi Rachael

Here's some news on Jodrell Bank:
We're thrilled to be able to reveal that our new First Light Pavilion will be open to visitors from 4th June 2022.

After years of planning, we're really looking forward to finally being able to welcome our first visitors through the doors and into this beautiful new space.

The stunning new building is at the heart of {a} 21.5m project supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, which will open up the amazing science and stories of Jodrell Bank

You can find out more about the project, here: ... rell-bank/
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Re: BOINC Workshop 2021

Post by Rachael2022 »

Ooh this is excellent - thank you Tim!
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