BOINC Challenges - your assistance is requested

This section is where you can post topics related to Challenges from other websites, such as Formula-BOINC, SETI-Germany and BOINCstats, as well as project challenges such as from WCG, PrimeGrid et al.

As a Team, we really want to engage as many team members with these challenges, as this gives us a great way of attracting more members to our we get to show our strengths as a Team by (hopefully) doing well in each one.

PS: I have moved lots of topics into this section where they are you can see, we've always been happy to take part in Challenges...and long may that continue ;-)
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UBT - Timbo
UBT Forum Admin
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BOINC Challenges - your assistance is requested

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

I'd really like all UBT members to consider taking part in as many of the current (and forthcoming) BOINC project Challenges that are listed in this section.

I know we all have our own "pet projects" that we like to support, but in many cases, the project challenges take place over a relatively short time and so switching projects for just a few days, is not really going to harm the projects you prefer to crunch data for.

Of course there are one or two exceptions:

1) We try to support as many projects as we can, that are part of the annual "Formula BOINC" challenge
2) We try to support some of the longer challenges that are organised by various projects as well some other teams, such as the Pentathlon and SETI-WOW events, which take place over one to two weeks.

So, with this in mind, please do your best to get involved with the Challenges and we can then really invoke some great Team spirit...and who knows, you might find that you enjoy being part of a UK Team that knocks the stuffing out of teams from some other countries... ;-)

Please also note that, in most cases, joining a Challenge is very simple - you just need to use BOINC Manager (or BOINC Tasks) to switch your computer to be processing data from the chosen project(s) most cases you don't need to do anything else, as the Challenges tend to be geared up for teams, rather than individuals...

And of course, you are probably already a member of UBT... if you aren't, then JOIN US...we'd be pleased to have you in our Team...and you'll be joining the other 5,000+ members who are already part of the #1 UK Team !!

A summary of specific PROJECT Challenges starting soon is here: ... m/overview

And a Summary of forthcoming Team Challenges is here: ... m/overview

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