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Project Cheerleaders required

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:02 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi all,

So, the summer is over, autumn is pretty much here and winter is on it's way - which historically is the time of year when more people stay indoors and look for a nice hobby to take their minds off life :)

I therefore have assumed that more people will be reading the forum and hence some might be interested in widening the list of projects they support.

But few will know all there is to know about them, not least of which are the projects that don't appear on the list within BOINC Manager.

So, here's a chance for any one who has a particular fascination with one (or more) BOINC projects, to write a brief summary of WHAT the project is all about and WHY they love it, and with a URL link for people to add said project to their crunching list.

Keep it short and sweet and lets see if we can generate a bit of interest in a range of projects that need some help :)
