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Powerful Moving Film about the 2004 Tsunami

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:38 pm
by Zydor
One of the most moving films I have ever seen - the title is "The Impossible". Its a remarkable true life story of what happened to one family during the 2004 Tsunami that killed 230,000 people in and around the edge of the Indian Ocean, having descended on the area with the power of 23,000 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs, in one of the most devastating Natural Disasters in Recorded History. Subsequent to the Disaster, $14Billion of aid poured into the Region from all over the world to assist the recovery efforts.

The film was released in 2012 and recently started to hit the On Line Movie outlets.  Love Film carry it, no doubt other outlets as well. Search for "The Impossible" either in LoveFilm, or via Google.

Do whatever needs to be done to rent or get at a copy of the film - its a real life, remarkable story at a personal level of what happened, when the Region was hit by the Tsunami.

Get the tissues ready, its a remarkable True Story of what happened to one Family during those Historic, Tragic Events. Not to be missed  .... so far  94% who viewed it on Lovefilm rated it a Five Star, the rest were 4 Star ratings - that does not happen often with the born sceptical LoveFilm reviewers (!).

..... seriously .... don't forget, this is an incredible film.