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Philippines Disaster - Adopt-A-Fisherman

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:46 pm
by Zydor
A good easy way to help the victims help themselves ...... a Philippines Business Lady started an "Adopt-A-Fisherman" programme. Initially she was going for 100 boats - but its snowballed and donations are coming in from all over the world, so far $500,000 worth providing 1,500 boats and the organisers now aim for another 3,000 boats :)

The idea is to provide the key asset for many in that area - their own fishing boat. From that they can quickly look after themselves and generate their own income. A Boat provision is rapidly becoming the fastest and most effective way to help coastal families. So far its been hugely successful and snowballed. Its even been featured on CNN and other mainstream US Media. ... snhp&pos=1

For us PayPal is easiest, use ...

.... as the PayPal donation address. They target a boat as an individual  donation aim ($330), but will obviously gratefully accept smaller donations.