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Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:19 pm

:)  Hello UK BOINC Team,
:)  Hello Friends from UK BOINC Team.

Team SETI.Germany continues it's new invented challenge and invites all BOINC-Teams to participate in the 4th. BOINC PENTATHLON, following the ideals of the ancient Pentathlon.

It will start May the 5th 2013 (00:00 UTC) and will end May the 18th 2013 (23:59 UTC).

Like in the ancient Greece, the Pentathlon will be held in 5 disciplines. That means within 14 days the participants will have to crunch 5 different projects, all of them for a period of 5 days. That said, you can easily see that some projects will have to be crunched at the same time.

Each team that would like to participate has to sign up : ... p?&lang=en until April the 27th. 2013. Like in the last year the favourites in the different disciplines can be chosen by every team on their own. The project that gains the most votes will be crunched.

A list of the projects that can be chosen from can be found here : ... lines.html , but you can also suggest other projects. (But before suggesting other projects, please check if the project and/or their servers would be able to withstand the combined BOINC forces. We do not want to bring any project server down.)

More information can be found here : ... lcome.html

NEW RULES 2013 :

1. All disciplines are now 5 days announced before the start (no more than 1 week)

2. All of the five disciplines is a marathon discipline. It is calculated over the entire pentathlon (or until no longer work units available). The scoring is the same with the other disciplines.

In the last year it was very exciting until the end.

8)   Many Greetings SEARCHER


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:34 am
:D  Hi Friends of UK BOINC Team,

what is with you guys ? Are you all still in hibernation, because I hear nothing from you in our Forum ?

8) Many Greetings SEARCHER

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:38 am
by UBT - Rick Horn
I think this may be a little complicated for some member`s taste.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:36 pm
:?: Why Rick,

you can start here a Teamvoting what Projects your Team like to Crunch.

Then you need a Teamcaptain who Register your Team by this Event.

And you Need a lot of Fun and Joy for this Event.

:wink: This is all Rick.

8) Many Greatings SEARCHER

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:14 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi Searcher,

OK - I signed the team up.

Hopefully, some of our team members will participate.....???

We'll see which projects become the ones we need to crunch for and then we'll see how we can help.

regards and thanks


Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:19 am
:) Good Morning and Hello Tim,

thank you very much, you Register your Team for this Event by us.

:wink: I will hope, many User from UK BOINC Team participate by this 4. PENTATHLON.

I can only say this, we will have many Fun and Joy same the last Years before.

8) Many Greatings SEARCHER

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:51 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi all,

Just a quick reminded that the Pentathlon starts this coming Sunday (5th May) and runs for 2 weeks (until 19th May).

Anyone fancy joining in on this ?

More info here: ... lines.html

and: ... entathlon/

The projects that have been chosen (thus far) are:

Marathon: SIMAP from 5/5 - 19/5

and then for short runs we have:
Short Track Speed Skating: WCG Clean Energy Project Phase 2 from 7/5 - 12/5
Rowing: Einstein from 8/5 - 13/5
Weighlifting: Yoyo from 12/5 - 17/5
Taewondo: Asteroids from 14/5 - 19/5

UBT (as a team) have joined this Crunch, so any credits gained for the above projects will count during the crunching period.


Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 2:59 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi all...

Our team stats for the Pentathlon are here: ... athlon.php

We're currently in equal 28th place with, has anyone some spare capacity to crunch the following (during the respective periods):

Marathon: SIMAP from 5/5 - 19/5
Weighlifting: Yoyo from 12/5 - 17/5
Taewondo: Asteroids from 14/5 - 19/5


Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:06 am
by Zydor
Thanks for the Nudge .... I'll pitch in with SIMAP

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:47 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Zydor wrote:Thanks for the Nudge .... I'll pitch in with SIMAP
Hi Zy

Be a little wary of SIMAP, as they've had connectivity issues due to lots of Pentathlon users getting involved.

Instead I'm doing a few Asteroid WU's....and they don't appear to have had any issues...yet ;-)


Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:28 am
by Zydor
Think we now have SIMAP nailed vis a vis "you know who" :)

I'll move the wife's PC onto Asteroid today full time (12 core CPU), continue on mine at SIMAP for today, then join you at Asteroid as well tomorrow.


Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 6:25 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Zydor wrote:Think we now have SIMAP nailed vis a vis "you know who" :)

I'll move the wife's PC onto Asteroid today full time (12 core CPU), continue on mine at SIMAP for today, then join you at Asteroid as well tomorrow.

Thanks Zy for all your efforts :)

Sadly, there's no way that we (as UBT) are going to "set the world on fire" on this particular crunchathon.....

But I'm hopeful we can maybe "seize the moment" and arrange our own "team event" at some point.....I guess a lot of people are maybe putting less effort into it, now as we're UK #1 and we've crunched a lot of WU's over the last 10+ years or so....

In the end, it's down to people's priorities in life.....I've had my own issues over the last 2-3 years which haven't helped.....but I'm hopeful that I can spend some more time raising the profile of UBT and generating a bit more interest in all things BOINC.


PS I'm just listening to the sadly departed (3 yrs ago today) Ronnie Jame Dio singing "Catch the Rainbow" on Team Rock Radio - what a great song :)

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:31 pm
by Zydor
....but I'm hopeful that I can spend some more time raising the profile of UBT and generating a bit more interest in all things BOINC.
There is certainly much to what you say. I believe most of the issue is the move into Social Media et al, and the shift in expectations of what a Site is and what it should provide.

Expectations are now much higher concerning facilities and "things to do". We do need to shift in that direction else the Site will slowly stagnate. The days of a Message Board only as the center of life are gone, and in due course we need to respond.

There are many options we can chose, some to keep moving along with changing Media, others slightly groundbreaking. Whatever-Which-Way, Change is here and we need to respond. There are similar issues in many places. I am about to start the process of designing, building and Coding a new site to replace an older worn-out Site for my local Riding Club, a peak at that and you will see why :)

Standard Bulletin Boards of old don't cut it now in the long run ...... time to move on :)


Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:08 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Hi Zy

I quite agree with you.....

It's just a question of what sort of social media people want to participate in.

There is already a Facebook page here:

and a Twitter account here:

Ultimately, forums like this one will become very "niche" and unless upgraded all the time to incorporate new functionality, then they will not "survive"....

On the other hand, if people don't feel happy about joining these social media sites, then there's not much else we can do....


Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:08 pm
by Zydor
The trick is to view the Site as a "Shell", and the various activities as "activities" within that shell. THat way as time moves on various options inside the "Shell" get added, terminated or amended/updated.

To do that (properly) we need to put up a Full Site - not just a Message Board. I can do that .... but .... I am committed to another task doing a Riding Site, and that will take a few weeks to sort out and settle.

However, these things don't (properly) happen without some deep thought, and sketching out an outline scheme from which to work. The first step is a "theoretical" dream sheet as to what the Site should be in Functional and Asthetic terms, from that we then move onto design et al.

The former is not technical, is a practical refinement of what we want to be - that will take 2-3 months to settle and sort out in reality, by which time I should be free to implement it. I am no Corporate Programmer - not even close - but I can do a passable Hobby Site.

The Ball is in your Court .... you are The Boss .... maybe start a thread inside the Sneaky Club Forum, and go from there. Practically, don't expect anything to be out there and useable in under 6 months. Could do it quicker for sure ..... but you would end up with a dogs breakfast of short-cuts when looking at the long term, and thats not where we want to be.


Good Bye

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:21 am
:)  Dear participants of the 4th PENTATHLON 2013,

two very exciting weeks are now over now. We hope it has a lot of fun and joy prepares to participate. I think for a lot of tension was also provided.

Now the 4th PENTAHTLON over and the warmest congratulations to all the winning teams. But thanks to all participating teams. We hope all the 5th PENTAHTLON to 2014 may also welcome so numerous.

But now: Good Bye, Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen :

8)  Greatings SEARCHER

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:15 pm
by UBT - Timbo
Zydor wrote:The trick is to view the Site as a "Shell", and the various activities as "activities" within that shell. THat way as time moves on various options inside the "Shell" get added, terminated or amended/updated.

To do that (properly) we need to put up a Full Site - not just a Message Board. I can do that .... but .... I am committed to another task doing a Riding Site, and that will take a few weeks to sort out and settle.

However, these things don't (properly) happen without some deep thought, and sketching out an outline scheme from which to work. The first step is a "theoretical" dream sheet as to what the Site should be in Functional and Asthetic terms, from that we then move onto design et al.

The former is not technical, is a practical refinement of what we want to be - that will take 2-3 months to settle and sort out in reality, by which time I should be free to implement it. I am no Corporate Programmer - not even close - but I can do a passable Hobby Site.

The Ball is in your Court .... you are The Boss .... maybe start a thread inside the Sneaky Club Forum, and go from there. Practically, don't expect anything to be out there and useable in under 6 months. Could do it quicker for sure ..... but you would end up with a dogs breakfast of short-cuts when looking at the long term, and thats not where we want to be.

Hi Zy

Many thanks for the kind feedback.

We *USED* to have a fully loaded website, which had quick links to all the projects as well as various stats and news pages....and also linked to this forum.

However, the main website wasn't "interactive" - and it went out of date about 3+ years ago when I had a major health issue....and instead that website now links directly to this forum....

Personally, I think there's enough "information" out in the real world, both statistically as well as news, that we don't really need to duplicate....however, I do think we need to be linked in (sic) with the main social media websites so that we can more easily communicate with existing members as well as enlisting the support of others.

And by embracing the likes of Facebook and Twitter, I think we have more opportunity to keep the group members informed as well as generating more interest in the team.

I'd be interested to hear other members views with regards to the future of this forum - and maybe how best that we can take steps to move forward.


Re: Good Bye

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:18 pm
by UBT - Timbo
SEARCHER wrote::)  Dear participants of the 4th PENTATHLON 2013,

two very exciting weeks are now over now. We hope it has a lot of fun and joy prepares to participate. I think for a lot of tension was also provided.

Now the 4th PENTAHTLON over and the warmest congratulations to all the winning teams. But thanks to all participating teams. We hope all the 5th PENTAHTLON to 2014 may also welcome so numerous.

But now: Good Bye, Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen :

8)  Greatings SEARCHER

Many thanks to all the SETI-GERMANY organisers for making a great competition. Sadly I don't think that our team did that well.....mainly due to a lack of interest....hopefully we will have more members involved for your 5th PENTATHLON in 2014 :)


Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:32 pm
by Zydor
Personally, I think there's enough "information" out in the real world, both statistically as well as news, that we don't really need to duplicate....
Duplication must be avoided - always stagnates, never works. Concentration of facilities however is another thing. Access to Social Media apps inside a Club Framework is more user-friendly and keeps the membership loosely together. That latter will not happen with "separate" standalone facilities. There is still a place for a Forum in such a mix - it becomes the "glue" that holds the Social Media together.
... however, I do think we need to be linked in (sic) with the main social media websites so that we can more easily communicate with existing members as well as enlisting the support of others.....
Which is the Role of a Forum these days, its a hub for cross-fertilization from the different Media, as well as the Glue binding (loosely) those Media together as a Social Entity, not disperate talk-shops. Physicaly, the Social Media elements exist as sub-entities within the Club Framework - such a lose affliation will promote a Collective Entity which many acknowledge is missing from the rush to embrace Social Media
.... And by embracing the likes of Facebook and Twitter, I think we have more opportunity to keep the group members informed as well as generating more interest in the team....
For sure, well agree there - but do so with those Media as "spokes inside the wheel" of the Main Site. They can still operate as they do now, no change, we just run them as Entities inside the Team "Shell-Site". If all some want is the Social Media, thats cool, its there, for those that want more facilities and a common place to "rest the body" during travels around Cyber-Space, a Club Site (part of which is a local Support Entity within the Main Site helping new and old with Social Media aspects and support. The Site becomes a multi-faced watering Hole hole for "Cyber-Warriors" .... as well as its traditional Role - both can co-exist with innovative design :)


Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:13 pm
:D @UBT-Founder, Hello Tim thank you very much and I happy now the 4th PENTATHLON is finished and we have no big Problems about the Projects.  :wink: Okay, Mr. PENDING was not so nice.

Mhh Tim, we can only Post here, give all Informations here and we can make Promotion. But if a User participate by the PENTATHLON or not, this can say only the User alone.

I hope, next Year we have more as 36 Teams by the PENTATHLON, but it`s not sure.

Have a very nice Day and Time, and same for your Teammates Tim.

8) Many Greatings SEARCHER