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6,750,000 credits in 675,000 seconds Crunch!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:16 pm
by UBT - Mikee
At time of writing we have 6,394,534 credits at SIMAP. At the current rate we'll get to 7,000,000 on April 8 2011 - just over a month away - 605,466 to go.

Our RAC (Recent Average Credit) is currently 17,000 and dropping rapidly - probably to around 5,000 - so getting a realistic target is a wee bit of a problem!

Ah what the heck...

The first target for the first Crunch of 2011 is...

To get to 6.75 million credits in 675,000 seconds!

Put another way we'll need 355,000(ish) credits in 187.5 hours or 7.5 days! That means our RAC will have to increase to 47,395!

The Crunch will officially start at 19:00 6th March 2011 and end 7:00 14th March GMT/UTC

Pre-start stats.

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335


Target is 675,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)

A big ask but who wants an easy target!!

Project home page

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:25 pm
by Temujin
Ooh, nice theme for the crunch Mikee :thumbup:

I'll be there

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:11 pm
by Joshrandom
I've signed up and attached to SIMAP, and set my other CPU projects to no new work, so I should be mostly ready for tomorrow's start.  :wink:

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:21 pm
by hgblade
Looks good to me - I'm up for it.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:44 pm
by UBT - bobuk
oh go on then i will help some  :wink:

b. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:46 pm
by UBT - mickyb69

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:28 pm
by UBT - The Prof....
Yeah, I'll give it a go  :)

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:31 am
by Zydor
I'm in


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:14 pm
by UBT - Mikee
We're off!

Anyone who wants to join in at anytime is very welcome!

Output will take a couple of days to increase significantly due to the quorum requirements.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:16 am
by melter65
I'm in!  :D

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:48 am
by primalsole
I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm in. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:05 am
by Localizer
......... Late, but here now.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:22 pm
by Darren
Now I'm a (very) part time cruncher, I won't be able to add very much.
But I will add what I can.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:16 pm
by UBT - Mikee
Pre-start stats.

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335


Target is 6,750,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)

Update 21:00 7th March 2011

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,936,410
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,451,396
Difference of 485,014 - Gain of 40,082


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,854,626
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,451,396
Difference of 403,230 - Gain of 43,105


Target is 6,750,000 - 298,604 to go - Gain of 56,862
Current RAC = 19,282
RAC needs to increase to 45,939 (1,914/hour)

John's Stats indicate that 24 hour hourly RAC is 1,939 over 24 hours = 45,939

35 members contributing.

The first update is always the complicated one!

Anyway, despite the expected slow start, due to quorum requirements, things are moving a lot quicker than I expected.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:04 pm
by UBT - Mikee

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335


Target is 6,750,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)

Update 20:00 8th March 2011

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,943,728
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,521,728
Difference of 422,000 - Gain of 103,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,865,086
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,521,728
Difference of 343,358 - Gain of 92,977


Target is 6,750,000 - 228,272 to go - Gain of 127,194
Current RAC = 24,180
RAC needs to increase to 41,580 (1,729/hour)

John's Stats indicate that 24 hour hourly RAC is 3,020 over 24 hours = 72,480

39 members contributing.

If we carry on at this rate we'll hit the target sometime late Friday!


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:33 pm
by melter65
UBT - Mikee wrote:If we carry on at this rate we'll hit the target sometime late Friday!
I would suggest an extra week on this after the target, just to build a good buffer up.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:23 pm
by UBT - Mikee

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335


Target is 6,750,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)

Update 20:00 9th March 2011 (260,000 seconds ish!)

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,950,921
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,610,761
Difference of 340,160 - Gain of 184,936


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,879,224
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,610,761
Difference of 268,463 - Gain of 167,872


Target is 6,750,000 - 139,239 to go - Gain of 216,227
Current RAC = 30,232
RAC needs to be 30,942 (1,289/hour)

John's Stats indicate that 24 hour hourly RAC is 3,607 (24 hours = 86,568).

45 members contributing over the last 7 days.

We're on target for a Friday afternoon completion. As it's a 7 day crunch there are a couple more targets in mind!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:13 pm
by UBT - Mikee

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335


Target is 6,750,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)

Update 21:00 10th March 2011 (345,600 seconds ish!)

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,958,552
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,704,244
Difference of 254,308 - Gain of 270,788


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,890,667
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,704,244
Difference of 186,423 - Gain of 249,932


Target is 6,750,000 - 45,756 to go - Gain of 325,234
Current RAC = 36,070
RAC needs to be 1,906 (544/hour)

John's Stats indicate that 24 hour hourly RAC is 3,727 (24 hours = 89,448).


46 members contributing over the last 7 days.

Our highest ever daily total yesterday at 90,261 credits!

Looks like we'll hit target around 17:00 tomorrow! Seems we'll need another target - wonder what it should be? Image

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:17 pm
by UBT - Mikee

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,919,630
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,394,534
Difference of 525,096


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,830,869
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,394,534
Difference of 436,335


Target is 6,750,000 - 355,466 to go.
Current RAC = 17,588
RAC needs to increase to 47,395 (1,974/hour)

Update 20:00 11th March 2011

Code: Select all

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,966,407
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,787,469
Difference of 178,938 - Gain of 346,158


World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,900,678
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,787,469
Difference of 113,209 - Gain of 323,126


Target is 6,750,000 - Overshot by 37,469 to go - Gain of 392,935
Current RAC = 40,472
RAC needs to be whatever you want!

John's Stats indicate that 24 hour hourly RAC is 3,910 (24 hours = 93,840).
49 members contributing over the last 7 days.

So despite my thoughts that this might be a bit hard to achieve you only went and did it with 2.5 days to spare!

Right then! I've got you for another couple of days - what to do? If we carry on at the current rate we'll get to 6,975,149 Sunday evening - not a nice figure - a nicer figure would be 7 million! Hmm... TSBT would get there just before us.

Introducing the...

UKBT Triple Two Day Takeover!!

Let's see you get this lot then!

Target 1 = Overtake TitanesDC
Target 2 = Overtake TSBT
Target 3 = Get 7 million!

You have 'til 20:00 (UTC/GMT) 13th March Image

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:31 am
by Joshrandom
UBT - Mikee wrote:You have 'til 20:00 (UTC/GMT) 13th March Image
So does the crunch end on Sunday...
UBT - Mikee wrote:The Crunch will officially start at 19:00 6th March 2011 and end 7:00 14th March GMT/UTC
or Monday? or is the UKBT Triple Two Day Takeover (great name by the way Mikee) a separate challenge?  Image

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:42 am
by UBT - Mikee
Originally it would have ended Monday morning which would have been good for 675,000 seconds but not very friendly, as not many members would have been around for the end (including me!). Sunday evening would see more people able to see if we can get to 7 million and more challanging to get to the target.

It's not a separate challange - just a continuation of the original after the first target had been achieved.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:49 am
by Joshrandom
Ah, that makes a lot of sense.  :)

Thanks Mikee

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:53 pm
by melter65
What next?  :blob5:

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:24 pm
by UBT - Mikee
Update 19:00 12th March 2011

Code: Select all

Target #1

World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,909,694
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,878,130
Difference of 31,564


Target #2 

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,973,863
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,878,130
Difference of 95,733


Target #3 7,000,000 - 121,870 to go.

44 members contributing.

Current 24 hour RAC = 3,841 = 96,025 credits over the next 25 hours!

Looks like we'll get target 1, limp past target 2 and miss target 3 by 25,845. However, you could prove me wrong or we could just rely on 'pendings' to take us over.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:51 pm
by UBT - Mikee
Interim update 13:51

Target 1 = Image
Target 2 = 29,000 to go
Target 3 = 49,000 to go

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:34 pm
by UBT - Mikee

Code: Select all

Target #1 - Achieved

World#33 = TitanesDC with 6,919,474
World#34 = UKBT      with 6,974,674
Difference of -55,200


Target #2 - Missed

UK#1 = TSBT with 6,983,136
UK#2 = UKBT with 6,974,674
Difference of 35,462


Target #3 7,000,000 - 25,326 to go. Missed

Sooo close!

However, if we take 'pendings' into account we should have easily got all three targets.

Target 1 is done.
Target 2 would have needed another 9 hours.
Target 3 would have needed another 6 hours.

If I had kept the original 7AM tomorrow finish then we would have made it, suppose we could ignore this finish time if we wanted too though - no ones watching!  :twisted:

Credits increased by 564,126 credits - an increase of 9.19% over seven days!

46 members contributed.
Top cruncher over the week was Temujin with 185,062 credits - 32% of the total!
Top climber was LupusUK with a climb of 128 places.

The following all contributed over the 7 days...

1 Temujin
2 UBT - JohnR
3 Zydor
4 Localizer
5 Keith
6 Joshrandom
7 LupusUK
8 melter65
9 UBT - mickyb69
10 UBT - bobuk
11 primalsole
12 UBT - Mikeejones
13 Darren
14 UBT - The Prof....
15 dkeeling
16 UBT - Chris Suddick
17 fellie
18 Jeffers
19 Paul Cre
20 Sylvia
21 richp
22 Ram Raider
23 Louis Constandinos
24 Pete
25 The Angel
26 entigy
27 Robin
28 pspinks
29 Steven Trezise
30 Tromso
31 UBT - Gray
32 UBT - PennyQ
33 Naon
34 eaa965
35 GeorgeFalco
36 David Cooper
37 Solorize
38 ~ Daniel ~
39 stephenashton
40 Alan Pull
41 AndrewBF
42 woody9973
43 handyj443
44 McSpud
45 UBT - Simon
46 acrscotland

Thank you everyone who contributed.

Next Crunch will be when someone reminds us!

As of 7:00 today we reached both the other targets - well done! Go and have a break now! Oh some of you have!  :D