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WCG Beta Testing

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:54 am
by UBT-mark3346
From WCG Forum 22/6 (if you have signed up for beta testing you may get these work units-I have one with a 7 hour deadline but 11hr est completion, hope thats wrong)

"We will be starting a beta test for the newest version of FightAIDS@Home application in a few minutes. This test will be testing the use of the latest AutoDock version 4 code (previously we were an earlier version of AutoDock 4).

Please report any problems with the Beta test in the Beta forum. All beta workunits will have a name that starts with 'BETA'."
"We had to suspend this beta test yesterday due to a certain error being returned. We are working with Scripps to resolve this error. In the meantime we have decided to resume running the beta test as there is a lot of other useful testing that will occur.

This error occurs within the first minute or two of the workunit so very little computer time will be spent on the workunits that will generate this error.

This error shows up like the following:

- exit code -1 (0xffffffff)
Beginning AutoDock...
autodock4: ERROR: All ATOM and HETATM records must be given before any nested BRANCHes; see line 34 in PDBQT file "d256n003.pdbqt".
