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Active Desktop

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:21 pm
by Temujin
Hi all
This morning I setup Active Desktop on my work PC to display my user stats and the UBT stats on my desktop.
With a 15 minute refresh its never really that much out of date when Dazza updates it at 5 past the hour.
It looks cool :thumbup:

Now, me being a linux guy, I wanted to do the same sort of thing in linux.
Oops, no such thing as Active Desktop in linux, well not my Fedora Core 4 anyway.
So, how do I get it to work I wondered.
1st thing would be to download the 2 images I suppose
wget ... 663a39.png

wget ... 663a39.png
will do that for me.

Next I need to combine those with my normal desktop image. Handily, theres a util called composite that works a treat, so
composite -geometry +650+480 5b9257f09ca25cb7e702caa82f663a39.png /usr/share/wallpapers/KDE34.png KDE34-2.png
composite -geometry +500+600 UBT-5b9257f09ca25cb7e702caa82f663a39.png KDE34-2.png KDE34-3.png
combines all 3 images into a single new image.
All that lot goes into a script that cron runs.
I can now change my desktop from a single image to a slideshow pointing at the new combined image and set it to refresh every 15 minutes and its done.

If anybody is interested in the script files I've done then gimme a shout.
Or even if you want a HOWTO foreither WinXP or Linux

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:24 pm
by UBT - Halifax-lad
i'm fine with MundayWeb's Widget

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:44 pm
by Temujin
UBT - Halifax--lad wrote:i'm fine with MundayWeb's Widget
oh thats flippin typical aint it :( I thought I'd done something original there, oh well.
MundayWeb's Widget looks good don't it, I like the transparency :thumbup:
mind you, mine looks good too :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:57 pm
by UBT - Halifax-lad
Well I did post to let everyone know about the Widget you must have missed the post

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:01 pm
by Temujin
UBT - Halifax--lad wrote:Well I did post to let everyone know about the Widget you must have missed the post
yep, i guess I did, I would've used it