Team Signature & AndrOINC

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Team Signature & AndrOINC

Post by Zydor »

One for Darren ...

You are probably aware of the AndrOINC saga - DNETC put an HTML URL redirect inside the AndrOINC Home page to send people off to DNETC.  All fine and laudable, but they didnt think it through, it also sent stats collectors off there too ......  resulting in DNETC totals being duplicated and put up as AndrOINC's.  In my case 108m for DNETC, and 108m for AndrOINC - I have not crunched a single WU for AndrOINC

Back here, the saga has invaded the team signatures. For the moment I put the AndrOINC totals as "hidden" out of the way, but it of course still picks up the erronious totals - despite DNETC having at last removed the daft URL redirect.

Not too sure what can be done ....  over to the expert :)  It may unwind in a day or so as the effects of the deleted URL redirect works through ....  it may need a deliberate ignore of AndrOINC for a few days, but the latter would be unfair to those who have crunched some AndrOINC.

Not the end of the world, but it would seem the signatures are doomed to show erronious totals for the moment .... not your fault, that pointless redirect started it all, but you reckon anything can be done to "fix" the signatures ??

Posts: 437
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:00 am

Post by Zydor »

Moo! Wrapper needs adding to the signature tool as well on the supported Projects list

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