Scrap 0870 phone numbers petition

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UBT - Timbo
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Scrap 0870 phone numbers petition

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hio all,

If you're in "petition signing" mode after the recent "pay as you drive and we know where you are" furore, how about this one:

The proposal is:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to compel all organizations using non-geographic numbers (e.g. 0845, 087* prefixes) to also publicize an equivalent geographic number (e.g. 01* / 02* prefixes) where they can be reached (and which can usually be called more cheaply than an 0845 / 087* number).
OFCOM have already announced a change for next year, but even so, I'm sick to the back teeth of firms promoting their 0870 number, earning money from me while I'm "waiting for an operator" and then getting some belligerant wally who doesn't know what real customer service all about.

So, click here to put me out of my misery  8)

PS Deadline is: 04 April 2007 and as of today (21st Feb) there's 16,272 signatories.


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